uncleaned gutter

It’s dirty work, but everybody has to do it. Your gutters need to be kept clean and free of dead leaves, birds’ nests, and other debris. It’s just a fact of life when it comes to owning a home. Dry leaves, tree branches, and other material can accumulate in your gutters during the dry summer and you won’t notice until your gutters start overflowing during the first big rain of the season. Or worse, you won’t notice at all. Like many other questions, how often do you need to clean your gutters? The answer is, “it depends!” Many experts recommend cleaning your gutters at least twice a year– once in the late spring and once in the late summer/early fall. But there are a few factors that might make you reconsider. If you have pine trees growing above your house, consider inspecting your gutters every 3 months. The reason for this is because pine trees shed needles year-round (and they have a lot of needles to shed). If you’re at a higher elevation, ice is your biggest worry. Making sure your gutters are clean throughout the winter is a bit of a headache, but damage to your roof caused by ice is a real pain. Better to catch it before it starts.

How Do You Clean Your Gutters?

Cleaning out gutters isn’t rocket science, but it can be a messy job. The tried and true method of cleaning gutters by hand is most effective, but a high-pressure hose can help clear out clogs in your downspouts. Here are a few tips to make the job easier, safer, and more effective: Wear proper protection. Wear work gloves and eye protection for your safety. Don’t just toss the gunk in your gutters on the ground! Put it in a garbage can or bag to be composted. Leaving it on the ground can attract insects. Seal any leaks you find. Use a high-quality sealant and make sure you give it enough time to cure. Pay extra attention to mold. A diluted solution of bleach and water in a spray bottle can be used to clean any mold you come across. Be safe. Whenever you’re working on a ladder or on your roof, there’s a chance of injury. Have someone help you, don’t overdo, and don’t do anything where you feel unsafe.

Need Help With Your Gutters?

It’s important to clean your gutters. While it’s a job you may be able to do yourself, you may sleep easier knowing an experienced professional has done the job right. At A Fine Shine Cleaning Services, we’ve been cleaning roofs and gutters throughout the Oklahoma and Texas area for over 20 years. Contact us at (817) 924-0805 Texas and (405) 340-3914 Oklahoma for a free estimate. We’ll be happy to come out and take a look at your gutters and see if there’s any damage that needs to be repaired.

Gutter Services

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