Spring is around the corner and with that come allergies. This may not be a serious issue to some, but allergies affect millions. Some with severe allergies can even be hospitalized, so being aware is not a bad idea. What many think about allergies and allergens is not always true. This blog will attempt to dispel some of these myths.
Myth 1 – Allergies can go away.
Fact – There is some research and truth to support this. Pollen, for example, comes and goes each season. Young people can grow out of certain allergies over time. Others may not develop allergies until later in life. Either way, allergies can appear without reason.
Myth 2 – My houseplants are giving me allergies.
Fact – Pollen is the likely culprit but not from the plants in the home. Houseplants improve air quality in the home. Most of your pollen allergens come from weeds, trees and grass.
Myth 3 – Carpet is notorious for allergens and is best avoided.
Fact – As of yet no evidence points to the truth behind this claim. The closest anyone has come was a Swedish study with those who move from carpet to another flooring having difficulties with allergies, and even this could have been developmental allergies.
Myth 4 –HEPA filters are all you need.
Fact – HEPA will help, but the best bet is regular cleanings with a professional cleaning company. A vacuum will reduce symptoms through collection until disposal.
Myth 5 – Pet hairs are allergens.
Fact – Great! Take your pet to the pet store, shave them bald and enjoy life. Sorry; this is not the case. It is the proteins in saliva, dander and self-grooming that are the culprits. Keep the pets off the bed, change the sheets and see an M.D. about some possible medications to help fight pet allergies.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at A Fine Shine if you are having allergy symptoms. Our carpet cleaning team may have the skill and technology to help curb those very symptoms. It is strongly suggested to see a physician in addition to having your carpet cleaned to rule out any and all issues with allergies.