1. Energy efficiency– dirt and dust particles on windows reduce light allowed in your property to heat naturally during the winter months, also not allowing the maximum amount of natural light into your property. Dirt and dust inside the home accumulates in your HVAC filtration, resulting in less efficient heating and cooling.
2. Damage inspection– our technicians are trained to spot any issues and potential problems pertaining to your windows and structural damage in their vicinities. Windows with sashes painted shut, or windows which don’t open and close properly are potential hazards in case of fire or emergency. Leaky windows, torn or broken screens, and malfunctioning window locks can be spotted and addressed as needed for possible solutions.
3. Pest control – cobwebs, mud daubers, wasp and hornet nests are regularly found on and around windows. Keeping these pesky intruders at bay is part of what we do in maintaining your property. We will also notify you of any kind of infestation that may be of greater concern.
4. Dirty jobs – cleaning windows is tough work! You can leave the lugging ladders around, climbing on roofs while hauling a bucket and squeegee to us, while you enjoy the results.